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About Us

The Sun City Summerlin Dance Company's mission is to offer quality dance classes and performance opportunities to Sun City Summerlin men and women. We strive to instill an appreciation for the art and joy of dance as well as an awareness of the health benefits for the body and the brain. We offer a variety of genres such as tap, jazz, drill tap, and chair tap. We invite residents to observe or participate in our classes.


If you are looking for entertainment for a future event, please contact us.

Meet The Board

Patty McGill

Vice President

alice klein.jpeg


Meet the Board
Lori McKeogh


Marty Barris



Teacher--Jane Ross_edited.jpg

Assistant Director



Click on a PDF form, print, and complete the form. 

New Members

Submit the following forms and dues to any board member for a membership.

Class fees are due at the beginning of each month.


  • Forms

    • Cash

    • Check made out to Sun City Summerlin Dance Company

      • Paper check

      • Online bill pay: Email Lori McKeogh for her address.

  • Frequency: You may choose any of the following frequencies to pay your class fees. If paying via online bill pay, you might want to set up a recurring payment for your selected frequency

    • Monthly

    • Multiple Months

    • Annual

Additional Forms

© 2024 by Sun City Summerlin Dance Company.


Some photographs courtesy of M.E. Chidiac

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